Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Pastor Robert L. Foley Sr. Receives Award for Commitment to Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

At a ceremony commemorating Pastor Robert L. Foley's many years of service as pastor of Cosmopolitan Church of the Lord Jesus, Bronx Health REACH's Charmaine Ruddock presented Pastor Foley with an award for his exceptional leadership, vision and commitment to making health equality a reality in the Bronx. Pastor Foley has been a partner with Bronx Health REACH for over seventeen years, starting when the Institute for Family Health launched a community coalition whose goal was the elimination of racial and ethnic health disparities in the South Bronx.

Pastor Foley Sr. has been a leader in the Bronx advocating for long term sustainable change to the conditions that contribute to Bronx residents living sicker and dying younger than they should. In addition to his work with Bronx Health REACH he had been a leader in the Black United Leadership in the Bronx (BULB). He also serves as a member of the Community Advisory Board of Montefiore Hospital, the Advisory Board of the Bronx Region of the American Cancer Society, the New York Yankees Community Relations Council, and the Police/Clergy Liaison of the NYPD.

He has been a force to be reckoned with in ensuring that Bronx residents live in a Bronx that allows them to have long, healthy lives.

Read about the Bronx Health REACH profile on Pastor Foley.

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